IDI Member Election 2021
NCC webinar contract clauses
Xandra Kramer was speaker at a webinar organised by the Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) on 13 November 2024. The theme of the webinar was “Jurisdiction clauses: how to escape from the jungle of infinite possibilities?”. Lawyers from all over the world attended the webinar. Other speakers were Professor Krzeminski, Judge Bom (President NCC District Court) Judge Oranje (President NCC Court of Appeal), Mr Visser (NCC Registrar and chat-moderator) and Ms Borrius (Partner at Florent law firm, moderator webinar).
See for further information the website of the NCC.
Published: August 26, 2021
Xandra Kramer was elected as a Member of the Institut de Droit International, IDI (Institute of International Law) at the bi-annual meeting in August 2021 (see also here). The IDI was founded in 1873 as an academic association that aims to improve the advancement of international law and peace. In 1904, the Insititute received the Nobel Peace Prize for improving international arbitration as a way of peaceful settlement of conflicts. The IDI has a counselling role in the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The IDI has 130 members, all prominent academics and scholars from the field of international private law or public law from across the world. Xandra has been selected based on her expertise in the area of private international law.