Conference: Frontiers in Civil Justice
NCC webinar contract clauses
Xandra Kramer was speaker at a webinar organised by the Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) on 13 November 2024. The theme of the webinar was “Jurisdiction clauses: how to escape from the jungle of infinite possibilities?”. Lawyers from all over the world attended the webinar. Other speakers were Professor Krzeminski, Judge Bom (President NCC District Court) Judge Oranje (President NCC Court of Appeal), Mr Visser (NCC Registrar and chat-moderator) and Ms Borrius (Partner at Florent law firm, moderator webinar).
See for further information the website of the NCC.
Published: November 9, 2020
16 and 17 November 2020 at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Civil justice remains in constant flux. The design of a sustainable civil justice system for the 21st century is continuously discussed both at national and international level. Particularly at international level, several soft law instruments have been adopted in recent years such as the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the ELI/UNIDROIT Model European Rules of Civil Procedure and the ELI statement on the relationship between formal and informal justice.
The conference addresses four key issues in civil justice, which require a deeper and renewed reflection in light of their contribution of facilitating access to justice. Those trends concern the shaping of the interaction between formal and informal justice, the digitalization of consumer dispute resolution, the collectivizing and monetizing of civil litigation and efforts of bringing justice closer to citizens. The conference will bring together academics, policymakers, practitioners and representatives of civil society to critically reflect on the opportunities and possible drawbacks ensuing from these paramount developments.
You can find the program and register here!
This conference is organised by Erasmus School of Law at Rotterdam University under the ERC project ‘Building EU Civil Justice’ (
The conference was set up as a blended event, with speakers at the site and some presenting online, but will be fully online in view of the Covid-19 developments.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us at (Betül).